How to encrypt and decrypt in .NET using CryptoNet 08-02-202220-12-2021 by Maytham Fahmi Few years back I wrote an encryption and decryption code for protecting sensitive person data for fin-tech business. Since that time, I wished I could have time to putted all together in a library that can befit the community. I succussed upon Christmas 2021 holiday time to brush it up and re-write it and make….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: Conclusion (Part 6/6 final) (IoT) 08-02-202227-07-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Conclusion We conclude there is a gap between a few of the mentioned research papers and the commercial products. Most researches are missing the practical usage of iBeacons and focus primarily on specific problems. However, all commercial solutions does not offer free-of-cost solutions. We think there is a place for Open Source standard software for….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: Discussion (Part 5/6) (IoT) 08-02-202226-07-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Discussion When this project started, the idea was simple. The goal was to localize objects inside a building environment in an easy and affordable way. This idea turned out to be a wide research area, and lead to try different approaches as explained in this chapter. We think adding walking steps, compass and gyros sensor….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: Evaluation (Part 4/6) (IoT) 08-02-202219-07-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Evaluation Evaluation is important and a key process in a project completion. This evaluation is to present the results of our system, for locating the trackable object position and track its (movement) repositioning over time using mobile smartphones as data collectors. The usability of the system relies on the results collected from mobile smartphone over….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: Implementation (Part 3/6) (IoT) 08-02-202212-07-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Implementation 3.1 Software architecture The software architecture is based on three main components, Mobile Client, Data Server and Admin Server as shown in figure 3.1. Mobile Client is an Android application. Its main purpose is to collect iBeacon data such as RSSI-values and send it over to the data Server. Data Server is a Restful….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: System Design (Part 2/6) (IoT) 08-02-202223-05-2018 by Maytham Fahmi System Design In this chapter, we will explain the system design behind Indoor Equipment Localization System (IELS). Before we go into the details of the system, the main goals of this project will be elaborated. The following questions are chosen in order to create a direction for the project: Q: What is our goal? A:….ShareTweetSharePin
IELS: Indoor Equipment Localization System: Introduction (Part 1/6) (IoT) 08-02-202227-03-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Introduction It is no longer secret that I have been working on IELS in my Master Thesis ended September 2017. It was joy, fun and hard as well. Some of you guys asked me if I can share what I have been working with and write some thing about it. I have chose to make….ShareTweetSharePin
YouTuber 08-02-202212-03-2018 by Maytham Fahmi Finally I have spent some time developing a little windows console app to download mp3 from YouTube. The idea of this little software, is for learning purpose and to demonstrate some primitive programming logic. This software should be used only for own private uploaded materials or non protected content. This software is made as is….ShareTweetSharePin