GuideBelt Project (IoT)

Guide Belt Banner

We see every day new technologies coming out to market but a few of those technologies are focused for people with special needs. We have just finalized a research project called GuideBelt. It is simply a Bluetooth-based indoor navigation system for the visually impaired. The GuideBelt, which is the product of this research, is such….

Augmented Reality for doctors (IoT)

Medical Journal

A project that enables doctors to see patience hospital journal virtually through augment reality, at the same time it is possible to navigate thought the journal with hand gesture. Code only accessible for group members: Read paper PDF: Hospital journal  

Context Awareness Project (IoT)

Context Awareness

In this paper we describe the concept, development and reflection for Pervasive Computing course (Spring 2015) at IT University of Copenhagen where we built a context-aware mobile phone utilizing an iBeacon infrastructure. Code available for group members Android app: Google App Engine app: PDF download: ITU Contextphone platform