We conclude there is a gap between a few of the mentioned research papers and the commercial products. Most researches are missing the practical usage of iBeacons and focus primarily on specific problems. However, all commercial solutions does not offer free-of-cost solutions. We think there is a place for Open Source standard software for indoor localizing System. We therefore aim to focus on practical usage of iBeacons based on Indoor Localization System and in short term share our knowledge from this thesis with potential contributors. We would like to continue working on this project and improve it. All this we aim to release it at some point as an Open Source Indoor Localization System standard software and make it possible to use the system as crowdsensing. That means people who has smartphones with the proper application and thereby be able to collect the location of the smartphone and as well as trackable objects location information periodically. This should be send to a centralized backend infrastructure based on end-user behavior and requirement.
The work from Bulten [1], Radboud University in Holland has been a major inspiration for our thesis. Bulten focuses on practical usage of the iBeacons and has already released source code based on JavaScript.
We think the combination of iBeacons’ price together with long life battery and easy-to-deploy makes it a perfect choice to use for indoor localization purpose.
Another aspect for future research would be the improvement of the algorithm’s efficiency, and overall improvement of the system as mentioned in discussion.
Finally, it should be concluded that the environment surrounding iBeacons and smartphone hardware type and model have a major impact in the final quality of the results regardless the technique.
Extra stuff
IT University of Copenhagen
Experitment in 5th floor in ITU
IELS longterm concept
360 panorama from PitLab
IELS infographic
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